Ayah... Kakak nak Basikal Ayah... ayah belilah lain... kakak suka basikal ayah... boleh ya ayah... bolehlah ayah...
Apa nak buat... kena cari tabung ayam baru nampaknya.... demi anak tunggal ku....
Selasa, Jun 29
Khamis, Jun 24
Tiba2 Rindu
Dalam kesibukan dengan tugas harian... terkenang zaman muda-muda dulu... bila tah boleh buat macam nie lagi.....
Selasa, Jun 22
ESTCON 2010 has also embarked on a special Carbon Offset Project (COP) called “Save the Earth”, which helps to reduce the carbon footprint that is generated in the process of organising ESTCON2010. This is done by planting 260 trees at the ESTCON Park in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) campus recently.
In order to meet the objective of this project, we had focussed on reducing and reworking strategies to minimise carbon footprint in three key areas involved in organising the Congress, that is air travel, paper usage and electricity consumption. Based on this, we have planted the trees to minimise or counter back the carbon emission level. Some of these trees were sponsored by the staff of the university. The sponsorship received for this congress has also been channeled to fund the tree planting activities.
In order to meet the objective of this project, we had focussed on reducing and reworking strategies to minimise carbon footprint in three key areas involved in organising the Congress, that is air travel, paper usage and electricity consumption. Based on this, we have planted the trees to minimise or counter back the carbon emission level. Some of these trees were sponsored by the staff of the university. The sponsorship received for this congress has also been channeled to fund the tree planting activities.
Kesempatan semalam, kayuh di Kampus UTP, sempat melawat ESTCON PARK.. dan sempat juga menjengok Pokok-Pokok sumbangan kami....
Sabtu, Jun 19
Dia yang aku kenali dulu...
Apa awalnya... nak pergi servey Camp Site di Kem Intan Suraya.. untuk program awal Ogos ini... Dapat call dari Rahmat.. 9W2RMT..ajak kayuh di Lubuk Merbau... so terpaksa.. batalkan program dengan gang2 SCT... seawal 8.00 pagi kami dah sampai di lokasi yang dijanjikan...
Perhhh nak kurus Rahmat sekarang.. dah turun 8KG katanya... ini semua gara2 meracun aktiviti berbasikal di Repeater... ramai rakan-rakan radio amatur TERKENA RACUN dah berkayuh... bagus2... 'GAYA HIDUP SEHAT"
Khamis, Jun 17
Hampir berakhir
4 hari di Convec, di hari terakhir ini, bersama-sama Crew membuat persiapan penutup..
antara salah 1 barang akan menjadi milik peribadi... salah 1 kenangan di sini bersama-sama hampir 1400 peserta dari 54 Negara.. dibawah 1 bumbung...
Crew Sebalik Takbir | Event Management & IT&AV Support
antara salah 1 barang akan menjadi milik peribadi... salah 1 kenangan di sini bersama-sama hampir 1400 peserta dari 54 Negara.. dibawah 1 bumbung...
Crew Sebalik Takbir | Event Management & IT&AV Support
Ahad, Jun 6
Nak kumpul…
Dari dulu nak buat… memang tak boleh-boleh .. tapi dalam usaha mencari tarikh.. mencari rakan… mencari kawan..Untuk sama-sama memecahkan rekod peribadi sendiri.. memang agak sukar.. tapi saya percaya suatu hari nanti Saya laksanakannya.. dengan izinnya jugaMU… I"allah…
Nak Kayuh
Nak Camping
Nak Pancing
Nak Dxing
Dalam satu event....
Harap2 hasrat hati ini tercapai…
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