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dalam sibuk2 nie... aje nak update blog... hahahah
Jumaat, Jun 26
Rabu, Jun 24
Isnin, Jun 22
harap2 janganlah..
Jumaat, Jun 19
Semoga di permudahkan
Rabu, Jun 17
Bezanya disini dengan negara Uncle Sam
Bezanya pengayuh basikal di malaysia dengan negara Uncle Sam.. jangan kawan-kawan terikut cukuplah dengan gaya kawan2 dari negara Uncle Sam... ( minta maaf jika gambar ini tak sesuai untuk tatapan umum )
Di malaysia Kalau cuaca panas.. lepas kayuh... pergi mandi kat air terjun

Rujuk gambar dari sini :>
tapi kat negara Uncle John

Rujuk gambar dari sini : >
Di malaysia Kalau cuaca panas.. lepas kayuh... pergi mandi kat air terjun

Rujuk gambar dari sini :>
tapi kat negara Uncle John

Rujuk gambar dari sini : >
Tak jauh... tapi Layan....
2 hari suntuk 8-5 dalam kelas untuk "in house tranning" ambil kesempatan ajka rakan-rakan layan off road di trek khas MTB dalam kampus UTP. Cacar & Elyas bersama saya layan trek tersebut. walaupun trek 1km je... namum.. perhhhhhhhh lenjun peluh seluruh badan....
terima En Syazwan Pengurus Kanan JPSP dan tidak lupa kepada Lan Sport yang menyediakan trek untuk warga UTP dan masyrakat tempatan... untuk aktiviti yang sehat ni...

Gambar di Trek UTP

Depan Blok Akademik UTP
terima En Syazwan Pengurus Kanan JPSP dan tidak lupa kepada Lan Sport yang menyediakan trek untuk warga UTP dan masyrakat tempatan... untuk aktiviti yang sehat ni...

Gambar di Trek UTP
Depan Blok Akademik UTP
Ahad, Jun 14
Barang panas
Kepada pengemar-pengemar YAESU sahaja.. kat sini dah masuk,... saya tak pasti..

The FT-250R 2 Meter handheld transceiver features a compact design with a top mounted LCD display. This model transmits from 144 to 148 MHz with up to 5 watts. Receive range is 136-174 MHz. Direct frequency entry is supported. You get both CTCSS and DCS encode/decode. The keypad is backlit. The supply voltage is 6 to 16 VDC. The FT-250R has 209 memories and 16 keys. Manufactured to Mil-Spec 810D/E. The FT-250R is similar to the VX-150, but adds a Memory Only mode, and has more audio output. Includes the SMA flex antenna, FNB-83 NiMH 7V 1400mAH Battery, VAC-10B charger and belt-clip. Now available.

The Yaesu FT-7900R dual bander operates on 2 meters and 70 centimeters. High power output is featured with 50 watts on 2 meters and 45 watts on 430 MHz. CTCSS/DCS Encode/Decode is built in. Over 1000 memories are available. It is WIRES compatible. The FT-7900R well designed front panel provides simple, safe operation. The FT-7900R is ideal for the amateur who does not require cross-band repeat as found on the FT-8800R and FT-8900R. The FT-7900R has excellent receive range covering 108 to 520 and 700-990 MHz (less cellular). Operating this radio is very simple and straight forward, and you may program it to your operational preferences via a menu system. The FT-7900R features Yaesu's ARTS™ Auto-Range Transponder System, important in search-and-rescue applications. ARTS provides a "hand-shake" with other ARTS equipped transceivers and displays out of range or in range. A six character CW ID is also provided for your station every ten minutes during ARTS operation. The FT-7900R is similar to the FT-7800R, but adds a Memory Only mode and provides 5 watts more on 440.
Kepada pengemar-pengemar Icom Pula sahaja.

The Icom IC-80AD is a rugged dualband 2 meter/440 HT with D-STAR built-in! Power output is up to 5 watts on each band. Four power levels are available: 5, 2.5, 0.5 or 0.1 watts. The controls are easy to use. Multiple scanning modes are supported. You get 1052 memory channels in 26 banks, with 8 character channel names. CTCSS/DTCS tone encode/decode is standard. Weather receive with weather alert is supported. A large, informative back-lit display is featured. This radio comes with SMA antenna, MB-107 belt clip, BP-217 lithium ion battery, BC-167A charger and wrist strap. Free CS/80/880 programming software is available from the Icom website. The IC-80AD is shown left with optional HM-189GPS speaker mic.

The FT-250R 2 Meter handheld transceiver features a compact design with a top mounted LCD display. This model transmits from 144 to 148 MHz with up to 5 watts. Receive range is 136-174 MHz. Direct frequency entry is supported. You get both CTCSS and DCS encode/decode. The keypad is backlit. The supply voltage is 6 to 16 VDC. The FT-250R has 209 memories and 16 keys. Manufactured to Mil-Spec 810D/E. The FT-250R is similar to the VX-150, but adds a Memory Only mode, and has more audio output. Includes the SMA flex antenna, FNB-83 NiMH 7V 1400mAH Battery, VAC-10B charger and belt-clip. Now available.

The Yaesu FT-7900R dual bander operates on 2 meters and 70 centimeters. High power output is featured with 50 watts on 2 meters and 45 watts on 430 MHz. CTCSS/DCS Encode/Decode is built in. Over 1000 memories are available. It is WIRES compatible. The FT-7900R well designed front panel provides simple, safe operation. The FT-7900R is ideal for the amateur who does not require cross-band repeat as found on the FT-8800R and FT-8900R. The FT-7900R has excellent receive range covering 108 to 520 and 700-990 MHz (less cellular). Operating this radio is very simple and straight forward, and you may program it to your operational preferences via a menu system. The FT-7900R features Yaesu's ARTS™ Auto-Range Transponder System, important in search-and-rescue applications. ARTS provides a "hand-shake" with other ARTS equipped transceivers and displays out of range or in range. A six character CW ID is also provided for your station every ten minutes during ARTS operation. The FT-7900R is similar to the FT-7800R, but adds a Memory Only mode and provides 5 watts more on 440.
Kepada pengemar-pengemar Icom Pula sahaja.

The Icom IC-80AD is a rugged dualband 2 meter/440 HT with D-STAR built-in! Power output is up to 5 watts on each band. Four power levels are available: 5, 2.5, 0.5 or 0.1 watts. The controls are easy to use. Multiple scanning modes are supported. You get 1052 memory channels in 26 banks, with 8 character channel names. CTCSS/DTCS tone encode/decode is standard. Weather receive with weather alert is supported. A large, informative back-lit display is featured. This radio comes with SMA antenna, MB-107 belt clip, BP-217 lithium ion battery, BC-167A charger and wrist strap. Free CS/80/880 programming software is available from the Icom website. The IC-80AD is shown left with optional HM-189GPS speaker mic.
Toyol RAE
Clik Toyol untuk anda disni Toyol RAE disini
Rakan SWAL yang inginkan Nota Padat boleh dapatkan kat sini... mesti di ingat... jangan cuba-cuba bawa toyol ini masa dalam dewan peperiksaan nanti.. takut kantoi plak..

clik disini Contoh soalan atau anda ambil disini juga
Pada yang nak Ambil RAE... saya ucapak.. " all the best", " good luck", "try the best" dan akhir sekali... "semoga allah mempermudahakab segala urusan".. amin..
Rakan SWAL yang inginkan Nota Padat boleh dapatkan kat sini... mesti di ingat... jangan cuba-cuba bawa toyol ini masa dalam dewan peperiksaan nanti.. takut kantoi plak..

clik disini Contoh soalan atau anda ambil disini juga
Pada yang nak Ambil RAE... saya ucapak.. " all the best", " good luck", "try the best" dan akhir sekali... "semoga allah mempermudahakab segala urusan".. amin..
Khamis, Jun 11
daa-daa-daa-daa-dit, di-daa-daa, di-di-daa-daa-daa, di-di-dit, daa-di-di-dit, daa-di-dit
daa-daa-daa-daa-dit, di-daa-daa, di-di-daa-daa-daa, di-di-dit, daa-di-di-dit, daa-di-dit
kalau di terjermahkan jadilah... 9W2SBD
9 _ _ _ _.
W ._ _
2 .._ _ _
S ...
B _...
D _..
kalau di terjermahkan jadilah... 9W2SBD
9 _ _ _ _.
W ._ _
2 .._ _ _
S ...
B _...
D _..
Selasa, Jun 9
Minggu yang agak sibuk
Selasa, Jun 2
Isnin, Jun 1
Jom sahut cabaran 9W2OCC & 9V2VZO... ADA BERANI..??
Terpanggil rasa nak join program kayuh ini Kedah Jamboree 2009 join kita ramai2 mendaftar untuk kayuhan tersebut. Dari QSO saya dengan 9W2OCC DI 9M4RBC.. lepas tu sambung di 9M2RKV.. dan terus sambung di Repeater ASTRA Larut, best juga kalau rakan-rakan ham yang kayuh mempunyai identiti sendiri,.. baju atau Jersey... menarik tu... 9W2ZVO sangguh menjadi Team Leader untuk projek Nie... So apa komen rakan-rakan... agak hensem dan menarik jika rakan-rakan hams ada "brandingnya" tersendiri bila berkayuh... Bagus juga rakan-rakan radio amatur yang mempunyai hobi berkayuh basikal ada seorang sehelai... sambil dengan aktiviti sehat.. sekaligus kita sama-sama bercampur dengan masyrakat....
Sebenarnya ramai rakan-rakan radio amatur yang SAYA KENAL mempunyai Hobi berbasikal ini.. 9M2NNL. 9M2AUR, 9M2JEN, 9M2AGC, 9M2MRL, 9W2DFA, 9W2SWL, 9W2VZO, 9W2RKM, 9W2YIN, 9W2YOP, 9W2TUO, 9W2YR, 9W2CKH, 9W2AMK, 9W2DKL, 9W2PIZ, 9W2ONK, 9W2DMG, 9W2ATD, 9W2ONK, 9W2TGA, 9W2ACB, 9W2GTR, 9W2RMK..dan ramai lagi...

dan beberapa cadangan logo saya sempat saya siapkan.. mungkin rakan-rakan boleh bagi cadangan logo kepada 9W2OCC di email beliau Lain-lain cadangan amat-amat kami alu-alukan... Buat masa ini mungkin 9W2OCC dan 9M2NNL boleh Lead kot niat yang murni ini...

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